New faculty: Melody Neely

We are pleased to welcome 18 new faculty to its community this fall. Each brings with them a plethora of experience and expertise that will enrich our university. The College plans to feature a new faculty member every Monday and Wednesday to help our community get acquainted with our new colleagues or teachers.

Please join us in welcoming Melody Neely to the Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences!

Assistant Professor

Highest Degree
Ph.D.(1998), University of Michigan School of Medicine, Dept of Immunology and Microbiology. My thesis was on regulation of the toxin genes that are found on the bacteriophage that is in E.coli O157, the human food-borne pathogen.

Specialty/Research Area
My current research area is infectious disease, specifically Streptococcus.  I use the zebrafish infectious disease model.

When did you discover a passion for your specialty?
My passion for Microbiology started as an undergraduate.  I fortunate to be able to do research at the Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Company (is now Pfizer) as an undergraduate and that really lit the fire!

Why UMaine?
I have always wanted to move to UMaine because of the large group of zebrafish researchers here that work with infectious disease and immunology. When my husband was recently offered a position here in administration, I was very fortunate to also be offered a position.

What is one thing you look forward to in the coming year?
So many things!  Getting my lab up and running and getting to know my new colleagues better.  So many opportunities for collaboration!